About me


Greg Metz can be considered a social/political artist who works in various mediums, primarily sculptural installation in non- traditional situations.
He is a recipient of DMA’s ‘Otis Dozier Travel Grant’, NEA Warhol Rockefeller New Forms Initiative Grant, and numerous awards of recognition. Greg helped initiate ‘Project Teamwork’ an educational initiative for the DMA and served as Lead Artist for DMA’s first ‘Visual Aids Day Without Art’ with a large encompassing installation and program. He was lead artist for the Dallas Master Plan’s first Public Arts Project at the Bill J. Priest Center overseeing the interior projects and designing a large exterior installation work integrating the adjacent park with the building . He was Co-founder and past president of D.A.R.E., ‘Dallas Artist Research and Exhibitions’, Co-founder of the ‘MAC’, McKinney Ave Contemporary and past co-chair of the Texas Sculpture Symposium. He has designed sets and props for theater, box office films and numerous commercial enterprises. He was Associate Professor at The University of Texas at Dallas, where he chaired the sculpture program, taught graduate studies in Contemporary Museum and Gallery Exhibition Studies, and served as Gallery Director of UTDallas’ Main and SP/N Gallery 1994-2021. He has curated over 30 professional art exhibitions while overseeing the installation design and programing of over 300 exhibitions.


Having a long, diverse and involved history as an artist in Dallas, I consider myself operating in the capacity of an art-worker, designer, an activist/provocateur, researcher/practitioner/teacher-communitarian and perhaps philanthropist of sort, who believes art, as a cultural elixir, has the unique role of keeping the rest of the world engaged with the human experience both with an individual and collective perspective. My work is reflective of the complexity of the human experience whether with small intimate-and most personal concerns or more infinite challenges finding placement for one’s ideas and issues in the spirit of a larger dialogical sphere and its expanded fields of engagement. I consider all I do as part of the gestalt whole of my capacity to be or think creatively. This artist statement is not an isolated directive of work but the sum of the experiences I have been involved with and evolved through and its collective proposition as posited in a modern and contemporary context.